About us - Pian di Picche

Tel. 0039 0187 800597
ver. 1.8 06-Sept-2024
CIN: IT011017B1J4RX89HK
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Our story began at a time when our grandparents (not just anybody, but the short and strong grandpa Pietro who – we do not know for what reason – was called Paulin, and the tall and tireless grandma Caterina) set their minds on the acquisition of the orchard, vegetable garden and vineyard that together were known in the vicinity as Pian di Picche (“Cian di Picche” in our local dialect)
In 1948, three years after the end of the Second World War and two years after the foundation of the Italian Republic – a period in which the people were looking towards the future – the sale was finally made. At this point, our grandparents' dreams also turned towards the future. Their strong belief in this plot of land turned out to be right, since after more than 60 years it still applies today. After many successful harvests, the campsite opened its gates for its first season on July 13th,1985. Although we did not have any specific experience, the venture was a success not only for our guests, but above all a love at first sight for the children and grandchildren of the family who, at the beginning of the 37th season have not yet tired of renovating and improving every year what we can offer our to our clients. But it is actually much more than a mere business relationship with our clients. In proud remembrance of our grandparents, we offer the true hospitality that Pietro and Caterina once taught us.
For this, we try our very best to share this spirit with every single guest that comes to visit us so that they feel a part of our family as well.

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